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The Dog Days of Summer

The housing market has gone to the dogs!

The weather is hot, the market seems a little lazy, and here in the DC area it really truly feels like that old saying – “The dog days of summer.”

That got me thinking. The more you look around, the more you realize how many people have pets. And a quick informal survey of our agents revealed another “ah-ha!” – a large percentage of our buyers these days are putting pet needs high on their must-have list when shopping.

Part of the reason is likely that so many households adopted a pet during the pandemic. Another reason seems to be that finding pet-friendly rentals can be a challenge, and the associated pet deposits and fees are weighing on renters. Finally, it’s Millenials – again – having an outsized impact on the market. According to a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association, Millenials are percentage-wise the most likely to have pets – and they’re also the most active homebuyers right now.

All that said, The Ron Sitrin team is still finding the market to be busy this summer. It’s late in the traditional sense of the season but plenty of buyers are still looking and there are always sellers coming to market. We’re working hard to sniff out the right homes for our clients (and their pets!) and as always, it’s the well-presented homes at the right price that sell quickly.

In this issue we’re taking a walk through the issues near and dear to pet owners, and sharing some stories about our own four-legged family friends. Enjoy!

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